Digestive System Support
Digestive system disorders typically are problems of weak digestion due to spleen qi deficiency. When the digestive function is weak, there is difficulty providing qi to the organs. This will also affect blood production and it is common for people with spleen qi deficiency to have deficinecy of qi and blood as well. This leads to fatigue, poor sleep and poor mental concentration. Distinction is made between spleen qi deficiency, spleen yang deficiency and food stasis disorders. All 3 classifications show signs of poor digestion, bloating, and erratic stools.
In terms of western disorders, weak spleen qi can underlie problems of the esophagus, small and large intestines, and include esophageal reflux, esophageal constriction, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and Chrohn's disease.
Spleen Qi Deficiency
Spleen qi deficiency shows a weak pulse and symptoms of fatigue, lethargy, low vitality and a weakened immune response.
Spleen Yang Deficiency
This disorder manifests with a weak pulse accompanied by symptoms of a cold lower abdomen, loose stools or diarrhea, and aggravation of pain or bloating when eating cold or raw foods.
Food Stasis
Stagnation of qi, phlegm and damp is an excess pattern and will show a full pulse and a greasy tongue coat. Liver qi stagnation can also lead to digestive problems. Once phlegm and mucous is cleared, it is important to check for the underlying deficiency pattern.